Chairman of the Management Committee - Teresa Russ (01491 571451)
Chairman of the Trustees - Chris Whitehead (01491 577067)
The hall has like many other village halls, suffered from poor acoustics, usually as a result of hard surface finishes which cause sound reflection. In September a number of sound absorbing panels were installed on the ceiling and main wall which has made an enormous improvement to the hall acoustics. The intention is to compliment this improvement by the installation of a suitable PA system as a next step. Grateful thanks for donations already received for the improvement to the hall acoustics. If you are interested in giving a donation, then this can be ring-fenced for a specific project in which you may have an interest rather than the general maintenance and improvement ofd the hall. Any offers of help with fund-raising events are always gratefullly received - please get in contact with a Management Committee Member or Trustee.
Chairman of the Management Committee - Teresa Russ (01491 571451) Chairman of the Trustees - Chris Whitehead (01491 577067)