The AGM will be held in the village hall on 18th May, 2021. All are welcome (subject to government guidance in place at that time).
It has decided by the Village Hall Committee that given the current lockdown due to Covid-19 and new variants, we will not be holding Open Gardens Day this year. Plans have to be formulated well ahead for an event of this size and it would potentially bring a large number of visitors to the village, so after discussion it was agreed unanimously by the committee that, in consideration of public safety, the event should not be held in 2021. (Jan 2021)
In the spirit of thinking positively, the committee have pencilled in a date for our Open Gardens - Saturday 12th June. We hope to be able to welcome people to the village for what usually proves to be a very popular, outdoor, event. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues and in view of the current Government restrictions on gatherings the AGM scheduled for 28th April, has been postponed. The situation will be kept under review and a new date will be determined and published on the website and locally when available.
Village Hall Committee Given the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, Government guidelines and in consideration of the health and safety of any visitors, the volunteers on gates, serving teas etc., the Committee have taken the hard but necessary decision to cancel the Hambleden Open Gardens event planned for June 2020.
The village hall is now closed until further notice. We will keep the situation under review and post any updates on the website.
Village Hall Committee Please note that it is necessary for the hall to remain closed up to and including Sunday 22nd March. The situation will be reviewed again later this coming week and an update posted here on the website. We regret any inconvenience caused.
Village Hall Committee Unfortunately, due to ongoing drainage problems, the hall will be closed from today (8th March) until midnight on Sunday 15th March. During this week a decision will be taken upon whether the hall can reopen again from Monday 16th March.
The caretaker, Jamie Baker, will be in touch with all those who have bookings during this period and as soon as a decision has been made as to whether the call can reopen on 16th March, a notice will be posted here, on the website. We are sorry for the inconvenience to all involved. Village Hall Committee |